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Transform Your School into a Leader in Teaching
AI & Programming
(with 6000+ exercises)
Videos for grades 1–12
(tailoerd to all ages and skll levels)
Start today for free!
No Computer labs required
Independent student learning or with teacher guidance
Teacher training and support material
Aligned with Global Educational Standards
Equip Your Students
with Future-Proof Skills
We focus on building the digital skills of
elementary and high school students. Guided
by the U.S Computer Science Teaching
Association, European Union Digital.
Competence Framework and the UK’s National
Computing Curriculum.
Start today for free!
Why Do We Teach AI
& Programming?
Open up endless
creativity and
explore new ideas
for students.
All you need is a
computer or phone
to start learning AI
and coding.
Let students create
and manage their
their own projects
from anywhere.
Level Up
Through Challenges
We teach students to think critically
and solve problems
Exciting gamified features
Friendly competitions
Reminders from our mascot Bert
Fun and consistent learning
Certificates and rewards
Introduction & Context
Fun Challenge
Earn Points
Level Up
New Context & Challenge
A Complete Learning
Solution for Your School
Quality Content
Classes created by technology experts aligned with internationally recognized standards.
Teacher learning material to ensure effective use of the app.
Exclusive App
Learn from anywhere, anytime
Available in 175 countries and 20 languages.
Teaching Platform
Intuitive platform designed for the best student experience.
Certificates of completion automatically generated at the end of the course.
Data and Reports
Understand how students are doing with easy-to-use reports.
Track accuracy, completion times engagement levels, and student progress.
Start today for free!
Developing the Key
Skills of Tomorrow
By teaching problem-solving and AI
through coding, your students will learn
essential skills for a successful career
Analytical Thinking and Innovation
Identify problems, analyze data, and
develop creative solutions using AI.
Problem Solving
Identify the cause of a problem and
develop effective AI driven solutions.
Be ready for changes and challenges in
a fast-moving world.
Think innovatively and generate new
and original ideas, leveraging AI tools
and techniques.
Use and Control of Technologies
Ability to use and develop AI
technologies effectively and efficiently.
AI & Programming
Courses We Offer
Explore a wide variety of AI and
Programming courses, expertly
designed according to the U.S CSTA,
the EU Digital Competence Framework
and the UK’s National Computing
Artificial Inteligence
Web Development
Data Science
{Grades 1-2}
Explorer Level
AI Basics for Beginners
Course 1: Introduction to AI Concepts
Basics of AI, examples of AI in daily life.
Course 2: Simple AI Demonstrations
Hands-on activities with basic AI tools.
{Grades 3-4}
Adventurer Level
Introduction to Machine Learning
Course 3: Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning
Introduction to machine learning types and examples.
Course 4: Common Algorithms and Models
Overview of basic machine learning algorithms.
{Grades 5-6}
Challenger Level
Building AI Projects (Chatbots, Simple Models)
Course 5: Development of Simple AI Projects
Building basic AI applications like chatbots.
Course 6: Training Basic Models
Hands-on experience with training models for classification.
{Grades 7-8}
Hero Level
Intermediate Machine Learning
Course 7: In-Depth Study of Algorithms
Detailed exploration of algorithms and evaluation metrics.
Course 8: Real-World Dataset Implementation
Application of ML models to real datasets.
{Grades 9-10}
Master Level
AI for Image and Text Recognition
Course 9: Introduction to Computer Vision
Basics of computer vision and image processing.
Course 10: Natural Language Processing Basics
Overview of NLP and text analysis techniques.
{Grades 11-12}
Grandmaster Level
Advanced AI and Deep Learning
Course 11: Neural Networks and Architectures
Understanding neural networks and their architectures.
Course 12: Hands-On Projects with Real-World Data
Advanced projects integrating AI techniques.
Unlock Your Journey &
Get your Plan today
Access to all courses
Class & Student Management
Teacher training material
Android, iOS and web apps to learn anywhere
Certificate of completion
Access to all courses
Class & Student Management
Teacher training material
Android, iOS and web apps to learn anywhere
Ad-Free Experience
Detailed Student Reports
Student Projects & Portfolios
Bert – AI Learning Assistant
Certificate of completion
Ready to
Revolutionize Your
School's Curriculum
Join forward-thinking schools worldwide! Let’s bring
AI and programming into your classrooms today.
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